Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Reproducción de los animales domésticos
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia
Capítulo 4. Fisiología y bioquímica de la hembra y el macho


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  • Guzmán A., Hernández-Coronado C.G., Rosales-Torres A.M., Hernández-Medrano J.H. (2018) Leptin regulates neuropeptides associated with food intake and GnRH secretion. Annales d’Endocrinologie. 80: 38-46.
  • Han X, Zhou Y, Zeng Y, Sui F, Liu Y, Tan Y, Cao X, Du X, Meng F, Zeng X. (2017) Effects of active immunization against GnRH versus surgical castration on hypothalamic-pituitary function in boars. Theriogenology. 97: 89-97.
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  • Kaprara A, Huhtaniemi IT. (2018) The hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis: Tales of mice and men. Metabolism. 86: 3-17.
  • Kumar P. and Sharma A. (2014) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs: Understanding advantages and limitations. Human Reproduction Science. 7: 170–174.
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  • Mihm M., Crowe M.A., Knight P.G., Austin E.J. (2002) Follicle Wave Growth in Cattle. Reproduction of Domestic Animals. 37: 191–200.
  • Ojeda S. R., Lomniczi A., Mastronardi C., Heger S., Roth C., Parent A. S., Matagne V., Mungenast A. (2006) Minireview: The neuroendocrine regulation of puberty: Is the time ripe for a systems biology approach. Endocrinology. 147: 3-20.
  • O’Shaughnessy P, Fowler P. (2011) Endocrinology of the mammalian fetal testis. Reproduction. 141: 37-46.
  • Palmer E. and Guillaume D. (1992) Photoperiodism in the equine species – What is a long night. Animal Reproduction Science. 28: 21-30.
  • Payne A. H., Hales D. B. (2004) Overview of Steroidogenic Enzymes in the Pathway from Cholesterol to Active Steroid Hormones. Endocrine Reviews. 25: 947–970.
  • Qiu X., Dao H., Wang M., Heston A., Garcia K.M., Sangal A., Dowling A.R., Faulkner L.D., Molitor S.C., Elias C.F., Hill J.W. (2015) Insulin and Leptin Signaling Interact in the Mouse Kiss1 Neuron during the Peripubertal Period. PLoS One. 10: e0121974.
  • Richards J.S., Ireland J.J., Rao M.C., Bernath G.A., Midgley A.R. Jr, Reichert L.E. Jr. (1976) Ovarian follicular development in the rat: hormone receptor regulation by estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. Endocrinology. 99:1562-70.
  • Scott CJ, Rose JL, Gunn AJ and McGrath BM. (2019) Kisspeptin and the regulation of the reproductive axis in domestic animals. Journal of Endocrinology. 240: R1–R16.
  • Stamatiades G.A., Kaiser U.B. (2018) Gonadotropin regulation by pulsatile GnRH: Signaling and gene expression. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 463: 131-141.
  • Urbanski H.F. (2012) Differential roles of GnRH-I and GnRH-II neurons in the control of the reproductive axis. Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne). 3: 20.
  • Vanecek J. (1999) Inhibitory effect of melatonin on GnRH-induced LH release. Reviews of Reproduction. 4: 67-72.
  • Wang S.-J., Liu W.-J., Wu C.-J. Ma F.-H., Ahmad S., Liu B.-R., Han L. Jiang X.-P., Zhang S.-J., Yang L.-G. (2012) Melatonin suppresses apoptosis and stimulates progesterone production by bovine granulosa cells via its receptors (MT1 and MT2). Theriogenology. 78: 1517-1526.